Association of Polish Engineers in Canada

Association des Ingénieurs Polonais au Canada

Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów Polskich w Kanadzie
Founded in 1941, Incorporated in 1944

Dzień liczby Π

March 14 marks the Pi Day celebration around the world to match the first digits of the Pi (3.14), “one of the most exciting numbers in mathematics”.

On March 26, 2015 the Association of Polish Engineers in Canada hosted the event to celebrate Pi Day in the Polish Combatants Hall, located at 206 Beverley St. in Toronto, with the lecture, fresh pies, prizes and discussion.

The spectacular presentation on Pi was given by dr. Pawel Pralat, Associate Chair for Research Department of Mathematics Ryerson University, who also funded Pi Day prizes and irresistible pies.

Great presentation, great event, great SUCCESS !!!
Thank you Dr. Pralat!!!